The fairytale booktag!

Dear reader,

Two days ago I went to an amusement park here in the Netherlands called The Efteling. It is like a fairytale Fantasy themed kind of park, so I thought let's make another tag :)

The Fairytale booktag:

1. Beauty and the Beast, a book that you never expected to like but did.
    Alienated by Mellissa Landers. As it says in the title it is about Aliens and I never really expected to
    like a book with aliens but hey, I did! I loved the book so I was very happy about it! 

2. The Little Mermaid, a book or serie that changed your life..
    For me that is the Percy Jackson Serie, that is the one that made me fell in love with English Reading.

3. Hansel And Gretel, a book that made you curious to read but now you regret it.
    So definitely the Beautiful Creatures serie! I liked the first book and the movie, and I even own the
    second book. But I regret buying the second one because eventough I liked them, I don't think I'll
    ever pursue the serie. 

4. Alice in Wonderland, a book or serie with a different and big universe.
    Well almost every dystopian novel I think, But I'll choose the Hunger Games. Suzanne Collins
    really made this entire universe next to the three books. 

5. The Ugly Duckling, a book with a character who is an outsider.
    Well we have alot of those, but I am going for Aysel from My heart and other black holes. She really
    is an outsider at school, but she doesn't really bother like others. 

Well this was my self made little fantasy booktag!
I am tagging EVERY bookblogger to do the tag and if you have give me the link because I would love to read them!

Thanks for reading and make sure to comment and share!

Love, me.



  1. I find it interesting when authors use the old fairy tales and make adult version for modern day

    1. Yeah I love those! like a court of thorns and roses I heard :)

  2. Nice tag! I might use this one on my blog. I'll let you know when that happens. ;)

    1. cool thanks! Yeah please do, I would love to read that!

  3. Oeh ik ben gek op de Efteling! Ben er van de winter nog geweest, dat was echt heel sprookjesachtig omdat het toen ook had gesneeuwd. :)

    1. yeah the Efteling in summer and winter time is always the best!

  4. Interesting tag I would love to do one =)

    I will tell you so you can explain it well to me so I can have it for next week =D

  5. Wat een super nice tag!
    Helaas heb ik geen bewerkte verhalen zoals cinder ofzo.
    De Efteling is zo leuk! Hihi :P

    X Claire

    1. Yeah I know the Efteling is the best haha!
      Thanks for reading, I Love your blog :)
      XX Demi from Bookemi.


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