A talk about feminism

Dear reader,

I never thought I was a feminist. But then again, I wasn't educated to know what it really was.
I thought feminists were men hating women and then again I always thought I had all the rights I could have. But as I got older, it changed. And now it is save to say I am a feminist, or at least a beginning feminist. On saturday the 11th of March I went to the Women's March in Amsterdam with a good friend of mine, and it inspired me to write this post.

Women's march Amsterdam 11th of March 2017

In my opinion, being a feminist is something different for everyone. For me it means I believe in equal rights for women, all of them. Wheter you are transgender, muslim, Gay, etcetera etcetera. I believe in equal rights for everyone. And when I tell people this I get alot of comments like 'yeah, well Demi, I don't have to like everyone' or 'It is a simple fact that we can not all get along'. And it frustrates me that people don't know the difference between acceptence and actually getting along. Equal rights for everyone doesn't mean you need to get along with everyone. There might be alot of gay people I don't get along with, but this doesn't mean I think gay people shouldn't have the right to marry who they want. Accepting one another means, eventhough you mind not 'get it' you still give them the space to be themselfs and fight for what they think is right. I don't ask people to understand the term of being a feminist, I don't ask people to understand an equal rights movement. I just ask people to accept the fact that some people do feel less equal and to step aside so we can march.

When I talk to people about feminism, and I think this is something we all hear, there are alot of people who say 'But you/ we (meaning women) already have all the rights we can have' and 'We/ you already have the same rights as men'. And I don't particually disagree. We have all the rights men have aswell, politicly speaking. But when you look at our society, it becomes a completly different story. I had a conversation with my friend the other day. And as the elections here in the Netherlands are coming up we were talking about politics. He is not on the same 'side' as I am politicly speaking, but we get along well (Thank god). He is not against Femnisim as far as I know But he did ask me something like 'But in my eyes women are the same as men, so why do you think that women are not?' And it is a legit question, and I get it alot. But I always say the same thing. I say, picture the boss of the company Phillips. Are you imagining it? He said yes. And I said, you were picturing a men weren't you? And he said yes (FYI we both didn't know who is the boss of Phillips, because if you do it doesn't work).
The point is that women in our society are not equal to men. History tells us that women were always the one who had to stay home, take care of the children, the household and their husbands. Men were the ones who did the 'hard work' and had jobs. Women couldn't vote because they didn't understand and didn't have jobs because it wasn't a womens job. Luckily it changed and today, we have the rights we are suppossed to have. But when I look at the generation of my parents you still see that it is common that the women are the ones who need to take care of the children, the household and have jobs.Men are still acting like they are the 'superior' sex. And this concerns me. I see little boys saying that boys are better then girls. That something is not for girls because they are too weak. And don't tell me this is not because of the parents or the ones who are raising these kids.

Rape culture is still something that is very active in our society. Because the fact that I still feel scared to go home by myself at 12 o'clock in the evening concerns me. The fact that womens bodies are still seen as an object and when it is not covered properly they call women and girls a slut. And when a girl or a women is raped or assulted one of the most asked question or comments are 'yeah but you shouldn't be wearing that because it sends of the wrong message' doesn't scream equality to me.

As I said earlier I am not asking you to understand the problem we face every single day. I ask you to accept that in our eyes there is a serious problem and step aside when we want to change it.

There are alot of different topics I would love to discuss with you guys, and let me know what your view is on the subject and If you want to read more about it. I am sorry for the extremely long post, but I had to get this off my chest.

As always,

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  1. Look at this inspiring post! We need young women like this. Something went terribly wrong the last 20 years. We, old feminists, were not very succesfull in taking 'the message' to the younger generation. So: go for it Demi!


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