Real talk, Being alone in out society

Dear reader,

Time for a real talk post.
The opinions in this post are my own look on being alone in our modern day society.

We think it is really sad when we see someone in a restaurant, alone, enjoying dinner.
Or when we see someone going to the movies by them selfs.

Febuari 2016 I went to an book event, alone. It was an event where a few of my favourite writers whould be. An event where you could follow fun workshops and meet people who were just as passionate about books and fandoms as you were. So it was deffinitley an event for me. Fortunatly I have alot of really good and amazing friends, but none of them are as excited by these kind of book stuff as me. So at first I was bummed out. But then I thought why not go by my self? I really wanted to go but it felt weird going by myself right? I mean isn't it really sad when you go to events alone?
Let me tell you dear reader, I got over this very quick.

So as far as it concerns going alone to events, concerts, movies or even going shopping by your self. Why not? It is almost like society says that it is strange, weird or even sad when you have to go by yourself. It is almost like you need someone by your side when you go somewhere. And relationship wise, it is no exception. It might be even worse.

For some strange reason we all need to be in a strong relationship and thinking about the future when we are over 25. Maybe 28, but you'll be a 'Late bloomer' as some might call it. It is odd when you never had a relationship at 20 'Oh why is that? you are such a nice person!' or 'Don't you worry there is someone out there for everyone!'. But what if it is not your intention to find someone to share your life with right now, or even in the future? Don't get me wrong, I would love to have a strong relationship one day. But it never has been my top 1 priorty. And I don't think this wil change any time soon. It could change, who knows? But i feel like alot of people of my age (19) feel pressure to get in to a relationship. Why is choosing to stay single at my age or even alot older (Like 30 of 40) so strange? Some choose to stay single for the rest of their life and I think they are pretty badass for choosing this. The pressure of having a boy- or girlfriend is in my opinion, ridiculusly high.

So let's shake off this taboo of being alone is sad, strange or not a choice.
People have the freedom of dating/ loving anyone who they want. As they should.
So let's give people who don't want to date, of all ages, the freedom to stay single. The freedom to do things for and by themself


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