Where to shop? Being a plus size girl..

Dear reader,

As a plus-size girl shopping wasn't always easy. It was sometimes hard to find something that would fit, looked nice and was a little bit fitting to your age. And as I am a student, money is something that played and still is a big part with looking for a new outfit. But after seeking for years I did found some great shops to find nice clothes. And because I know alot of other girls and boys share these same struggles I wrote down a top 3 of my favourite shops #notsponsord:

1. H&M: The plus size collection from H&M isn't very popular. Some may not know that H&M even
has one. But they do! Most of the time the collection is pretty great but is it does depends on the collection that they offer. The quality is pretty good but the price is sometimes a bit too high for what you get. But it never hurts to take a look. This is aswell in (some, not all) regular as online shops
available. H&M is very popular and also have clothes for smaller sizes.


2. Boohoo: This is a really good one. Boohoo has a good collection but it sometimes depends on what
kind of style you are looking for. I am not a fan of tight clothes and that is what most clothes are. But they do have a great collection to choose from. Also, this isn't a expensive website in my opinion.
Most of the time they will also have a discount code which you can use during your purchase. Booho is only an online shop. This shop also has a great collection for smaller sizes too.

3. M&S: No my dear British friends this is not the supermarket that I believe it is in England. Here in the Netherlands M&S is a clothing store for plus size women. At first I thought this store only had
clothes more suited for women of middle age. But on the contrary, they have a really good collection
of clothes whom are also suitible for young adults like me. The only (Big) downside is that they are very expensive but the quality is really good.


These are the top 3 of my favourite shops to get clothes from.
Let me know if you have experiences yourself with any of these shops and if you have a comment, question or a suggestion let me know in the comments below!


Some body positivity for you!

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