
Showing posts from 2016

Yalfest 2016!

Dear reader, A day full of books, authors and excitement! On sunday the 24th of april I went to the very first yalfest, and I need to share the excitement! My on my way to Yalfest snapchat selfie :P

Movie Monday: How to be single!

Dear reader, With my best friend I went to see How to be single in the cinema. I hadn't seen a good romantic comedy in a while and I needed a good old romcom. And I wasn't dissapointed.

A chat about the 'new' TV-show, Fuller house!

Dear reader, I kind of grew up with 'Full house' , finding websites on the internet that could possibly give me a major virus but it was all worth it. Because 'Full house' was my favourite sit-com! I started watching it when I was like 10 years old, and now it is back. And I need to share my excitement with you all. So this post will be about the very first ( and maybe the second) episode of 'Fuller House'.

Unpopular Opinions book tag!

Dear reader, It feels like ages since I did another tag, so I am back! Before you read this remember, these will be mine opinions and if you don't agree that's totally fine! And let me know why you don't agree and what your opinion is :) Here we go!

Review 27 : Girl online ON TOUR by Zoe Sugg.

Dear reader, I finished the second book written by youtube sensation and writer Zoe Sugg. And it has fulfill  the hopes I had since my currently reading post...

January favourites!

Dear reader, The first hours, days and weeks of 2016 are done, over, finito! And we are in the middle of a beautiful febuary! The last favourites post feels like, or are, ages ago. So sit tight and get a drink because it is time for a good old favourite post!

Review 26: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Dear Reader, I finished this amazing book, before you read my review make sure to read the currently reading post first as I am going to refer to it (Currently reading 5th wave) . Okay here we go.

Review 25 : A court of thorns and roses by Sarah J Maas.

Dear Reader, After a good few months reading this book, I finished it! So time for a good old review.