Review 27 : Girl online ON TOUR by Zoe Sugg.

Dear reader,

I finished the second book written by youtube sensation and writer Zoe Sugg.
And it has fulfill  the hopes I had since my currently reading post...

Summary from goodreads:
Penny's bags are packed.
When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online.
Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer? 

-Panick attacks                                              

Overall Opinion (spoiler free):
As I mentioned in my Currently reading post, I had some troubles with the start. Don't get me wrong, it is a lovely sequel. It gives you all the right feels that a good cheesy relationship in these kind of books should have. But sometimes I had troubles reading because of the main character Penny. She is a very, very VERY insecure girl most of the times. And I get it, but sometimes it was a bit too much to constantly read that she was constatly insecure about litterly everything. But as the book goes further it luckily gets less about how Penny feels and more about what she is doing and dealing with stuff. I liked the idea of reading how a anxious and insecure handles with being on tour with alot of people. And if I could just have the talent she has by just picking up a camera and make the most beautiful pictures. Because eventhough we don't see them, her passion is beautifully described which makes the pictures real in my head. AND ELLIOT. I think we all need a best friend like that, I loved reading their relationship even more then reading the one between her and Noah. The friendschip they have is so funny and pure, it is amazing to read. And I think we also all need an alter ego like Ocean Strong! 
I gave the book 3/5 stars on goodread.

I was suprised to read that Penny forgave Megan for her bitchy behaviour and also trusted her. After all she had done, I don't know if I could have done the same. But Megan turned out to be a good influance in her life after all. because for a minute I thought she was TheRealTruth.. BUT NO IT WAS THE IDIOT DEAN.. DEAN?! NEVER expected that. For me a real plot twist right there. The son of a mother was a stupid, lying, backstabbing fraud after all. Angry... Yes I am very angry. Heartbroken when I read that Elliot and Alex were broken up. But if it lead to that HUGE romantic gesture at the end.. I am happy they broke up. LOVED reading that Elliot was being suprised like that, in a way we maybe secretly all dream off. And thankyou, THANKYOU for the character development of Penny. She became the ocean strong she should've been right from the start, but ofcourse she was ment to grow as we all do or did at the age she has. 16 and not knowing what you want to do next, is totally fine. And thankyou Zoe Sugg for letting young and older readers know, that it is okay if you don't have a plan!!

Love, me.

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