Movie Monday: How to be single!

Dear reader,

With my best friend I went to see How to be single in the cinema.
I hadn't seen a good romantic comedy in a while and I needed a good old romcom.
And I wasn't dissapointed.

Summary from IMDB:

There's a right way to be single, a wrong way to be single, and then...there's Alice. And Robin. Lucy. Meg. Tom. David. New York City is full of lonely hearts seeking the right match, be it a love connection, a hook-up, or something in the middle. And somewhere between the teasing texts and one-night stands, what these unmarrieds all have in common is the need to learn how to be single in a world filled with ever-evolving definitions of love. Sleeping around in the city that never sleeps was never so much fun.

-Romantic comedy
-New York (at its finest)

Overall opinion (spoiler free):
It gave me quite a 'love actually' feeling because the people in the movie are sort of all conected to eachother. Overall it is a really good romcom, it has the romance, the drama, the relationships (aswell love as friendship) it has it all. I loved the message behind this movie, I think it can really teach some people what is is like and how to be by yourself. To be alone. I love to be by myself, I am not the type of person who has to be serounded by people or really wants to be in a relationship. If I end up being in one, it is fine. But if I end up single, no problem. And these days, and especially in our generation, it is 'normal' to get a boy- or girlfriend. To get married and end up with someone to spend your life with. But if that isn't what you want, if you want to live your life alone. Do it. 
The men!
The characters were really fun to follow. Almost all of them go through this character development which made the ending of the movie very good.

Detailed opinion (SPOILERSSPOILERS):
As I said major character development, especially for Alice. At the beginning she wants to be free from her boyfriend, she wants to find herself and be 'alone' but she finds out she actually always needs people around her, if it is just a friend, her sister, or somebody she'll just have sex with. She can't be alone. And to see that at the end she just finds herself and can be around people and be alone. Was very satisfying to see. And her sister, Meg, who is the complete opposite and wants to be alone and can. Get's pregnant and ready to raise this kid by herself because she wants to, and by accident finds this amazing guy ( WHO IS SO HOT LIKE DAMN) she spends the rest of her life with. It was so cute when he was in the hospital like all the feeellsss :) And Robin is just the best friend we all want and need!! (GO REBEL WILSON)

I hoped you liked my review, and I'll see you next time! 

love, me. 


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