TV-show review: The summer final from Pretty Little Liars, the big A reveal. CONTAINS SPOILERS!

Dear reader,


PLL (Pretty Little Liars) has been going on for 5 years, only I have been watching it for a one year. But it doesn't really matter how long you have been watching it, a fan is a fan. But after years of watching it despite the hours or virusses you could get from watching the episodes on scetchy websites (All the not American people do you feel me?) and hoping my virus scanner can handle it. This is what we get. This was the big A reveal. And I am dissapointed.

Yesterday I decided to join my two PLL fans and because I still have summer vacation I was like, you know what? My popcorntime died so why not live stream? ( I know its bad because the actors ect. won't get credit but I can not afford Netflix and the Netherlands doesn't air it) I stayed up untill 2 A.M, Alot of coffee got me through it. And there we go, the big #facetoface #bigAreveal. I had heard the whole leaked episode think about Wren being A and Mellissa helping him, maybe it was false,
true or a publicity stunt but I could kind a see it happening. I have to admit I was kind of losing the whole: OMG WHO IS A thing and was more like.. Why or How? So maybe that could have been a factor in the whole I was not suprised thing. because I wasn't. I was dissapointed? Really guys Cece? really? We haven't seen her for how long? at least two seasons? I still had a little hope it was one of the liars but I knew that was to good to be true. First things first, why didn't I like the episode?

1.The reveal:
The reveal wasn't really spectacular. From all that we have seen she just turned around nearby a window. Thats it. At first I didn't like Cece being A. We expected a dude and suddenly it was a girl. Don't get me wrong I support transgenders in every way, do your thing. But it didn't seem fitting in the story. I am sorry.
2.The (A) story.
The story of how A, or Cece, became A was okay. I kind of liked it. But sometimes it didn't made sense. Like the fact that Bethany pushed Miss Cavenaugh (I hope that is how you spell the name) when they were young. Which is strange because that would meen that if Charles or Charlotte or Cece ( the names are confusing) was young, which means Alli is even younger. But a few seasons ago Ali and Toby were kissing and Miss C walked in on them.. THEY WERE TEENS! How could she do that if Cece explained she had to be dead? Her own story of what she went through was amazing tho. And I think we agree if we say that Jason needs to DNA tests every girl he mets from now on ( poor guy). And btw where did Sarah come from anyway? She just was with Cece this entire time.. WHY? HOW THE H DID SHE KNOW CECE? And now I remeber Alli was also taken with someone that night she was hit on the head.. who was that? And why did Alli had so much make-up on the end? She didn't look older she looked just like  girl with alot of make-up.
3. The place where the Liars were and what happend there.
Since when did PLL became all high tech? They were in this high tech room with some sort of Marvel Agents of shield screen or whatever. And then Mona suddenly blurts out she killed Bethany.. okay Mona why are we so calm about it? Why weren't the liars like... Wow mona... what?
4. Acting skills.
Those were amazing tho.

No I really got the feeling they maybe had another ending, but because it was maybe leaked or went to obvious they had to quickly change it. Don't get me wrong I am still a fan, I was just dissapointed about something we were waiting so long. Let me know in the comments what you thought/think and if you agree or disagree. And now it will be waiting for the winter!

Love, me.


  1. Jep ik vond het ook een tegenvaller :( Het was zoveel verrassender geweest als het toch bijv. Wren ofzo bleek te zijn. De dingen die A deed waren overigens ook soms knap lastig voor een vrouw qua kracht, dus ook dat vond ik eigenlijk maar vreemd. Ben wel erg benieuwd hoe het nu verder gaat, ondanks dat we nu weten wie A is.


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